our story

We are chefs orginated from Mexico and Latin America. Our passion for food has taken us around the world, via England & now Sweden.

Mexreal was born when we saw how popular Tex Mex – the western worlds interpretation of mexican tacos – is all over the world. But the true authentic Mexican food – ”MexMex” – is rare.

Finding genuine Mexican food products in grocery stores is close to impossible.

– Mexreal will change that!

/ Arturo & Rodrigo, founders of Mexreal


Mexican cuisine, like Italian, has become loved all over the world and there are as many interpretations of the classic taco like there are taco eaters…

As in Italy, food is a big part of Mexican culture and social life. In Mexico the food is often eaten directly on the street from simple food stands that can be found in all metropolitan areas around Mexico. The stands has strong colors and bold graphic expressions, the music is vibrant and the food has the most fantastic flavors.

We make the food with only a few ingredients, served on a tortilla with tasteful and delicious toppings – Simplicity!

We share the food together with our friends and family in a joyful atmosphere. 

Mexreal brings the best products with the most authentic flavors from Mexico to the Nordic market with the mission to give the Nordic people the possibility to easy cook authentic Mexican food at home. We bring true Mexican food culture to the Nordic homes by adding simplicity and some spice and fiesta to the grey ”Swedish vardag”.

We work by the same principals as the Mexican street vendors: With strong joyful colors, a lots of energy and delicious flavors.

get in touch

You are more than welcome to contact us if you have any questions. Fill in the contact form or contact us directly and we will help you solve your needs.

Phone: 08-564 705 10
Email: info@mexrealfood.se